Ha ho tluoa tabeng ea ho khetha moea oa compressor, li-screw air compressor tse mekhahlelo e 'meli li atisa ho khethoa ho feta likhetho tse ling ka mabaka a mangata.Haeba u batla boleng bo holimo le bo ka tšeptjoang ba compressor ea moea bakeng sa litlhoko tsa hau tsa indasteri kapa tsa khoebo, mona ke tse ling tsa melemo ea li-compressor tse peli tsa sethala tseo u lokelang ho li nahana.
Taba ea pele, li-screw air compressors tse mekhahlelo e 'meli li etselitsoe lits'ebetso tse phahameng haholo moo o hlokang moea o hatelletsoeng ka nako e telele.Mofuta ona oa compressor o loketse lits'ebetso tsa indasteri joalo ka lits'ebetso tsa tlhahiso le libaka tse kholo tsa kaho.Li-compressor tsa methati e 'meli li ka hlahisa moea o mongata o hatelitsoeng ho feta li-compressor tsa mohato o le mong, e leng se etsang hore e be tse loketseng ts'ebetso e kholo e hlokang mochini o boima.
Molemo o mong o moholo oa li-screw air compressors tse mekhahlelo e 'meli ke matla a tsona a matla.Li-screw compressor tsa mekhahlelo e 'meli li hloka matla a fokolang ho hlahisa moea o hatelitsoeng ho feta mefuta e meng ea li-compressor, e u bolokela chelete likolotong tsa matla.Sena ke hobane konpresser e sebetsa feela ka botlalo ha ho hlokahala, ho bolelang hore e sebelisa matla a fokolang ka nako e telele.
Moralo oa methati e 'meli ea li-screw air compressors le ona o li etsa hore li tšoarelle ka nako e telele le tse tšepahalang.Likarolo tse etsang komporo ea hau li etselitsoe ho mamella khatello le khatello ea ts'ebeliso ea kamehla, ho netefatsa hore compressor ea hau e u fa khatello ea moea e tsitsitseng le e tšepahalang.
Ho feta moo, li-screw air compressors tse mekhahlelo e 'meli li entsoe ka maemo a tlase a lerata, e leng se etsang hore e be tse loketseng ho sebelisoa libakeng tsa khoebo le tsa bolulo moo tšilafalo ea lerata e leng teng.Karolo ena e etsa hore compressor ena e be e loketseng bakeng sa lithupelo, lifeme le libaka tse ling moo batho ba sebetsang lihora tse telele.
Li-compressor tsa moea tse mekhahlelo e 'meli le tsona li hloka tlhokomelo e nyane haholo.Moralo o otlolohileng oa compressor o bolela hore o ka e boloka habonolo ntle le tsebo e ikhethang kapa lisebelisoa tse turang.Sena se etsa hore compressor ea hau ea moea e be le litšenyehelo tse ngata ha nako e ntse e ea.
Qetellong, li-screw air compressors tsa mekhahlelo e 'meli li sebetsa hantle haholo mabapi le tšebeliso ea sebaka.Hangata li etselitsoe hore li kopane ka boholo, ho bolelang hore o ka kenya compressor habonolo tikolohong efe kapa efe ea indasteri kapa ea khoebo.Sena se bolela hore o boloka sebaka sa bohlokoa sa fatše ha o ntse o natefeloa ke melemo ea compressor ea moea ea boleng bo holimo le e tšepahalang.
Ka bokhuts'oane, haeba u hloka moea o hatelletsoeng o ts'epahalang bakeng sa litlhoko tsa hau tsa indasteri kapa tsa khoebo, "screw air compressor" ea mekhahlelo e 'meli ke khetho e ntle haholo.Potoloho ea eona e phahameng ea mosebetsi, matla a matla, nako e telele, boemo bo tlaase ba lerata, litlhoko tse fokolang tsa tlhokomelo le moralo o bolokang sebaka o etsa hore e be e loketseng bakeng sa ba hlokang thekenoloji e ntle ka ho fetisisa ea ho hatella moea.Ka hona, haeba u batla compressor ea moea ea boleng bo holimo le e tšepahalang, joale "screw air compressor" ea mekhahlelo e 'meli e lokela ho ba khetho ea hau ea pele.
Nako ea poso: Apr-07-2023